
SMS Alerts Software

Send SMS Alerts & Notifications

Send prompt alerts and notifications without any hassle no matter which industry you’re operational in.

Communication is the cornerstone for success in your business. However, for it to be effective, messages need to be personal and compliant and delivered. At SMSGatez, we know how important your time and business is to you and work hard to help you succeed with your SMS Marketing campaigns.  Appointment bookings, customer queries, product development updates, educational updates, and more.  Integrate your favorite calling system, CRM or any platform with SMS Gatez without writing code.

Our SMS Alerts Software Is


Perfect solution for important updates, alerts and notifications to your customers.


Integrate via Zapier to your favorite CRM to update workforce or customers of happenings.

Budget Worthy

All  you need to maintain compliancy. SMSGatez has an all in one approach to SMS Business Texting at an affordable price

Some Salient Features of Our SMS Alerts Software


URL Shortener

The URL Shortener helps get the best deliver possible. Similar to spinning your message, we have the ability to spin your URLs. This ensures every message going out is unique, extending life of SIMDRIOD and BYOR numbers as well as the domains themselves!  The #Short Link# variable will be placed in the desired position in your campaign message.  READ MORE


Text Spinner

SMSGatez has introduced the spinner to your messages. This is the same technology that is used in the blogging industry integrating synomyns to add variations to messaging. Welcome to SpinTax. SpinTax is required when creating and sending campaigns on our platform keeping the messages fresh and unique. Carriers have added filters to watch for keywords, identical messaging and URLs.


Message Delivery Report

SMSGATEZ gives you the advantage to look into DELIVERY STATS and CLICK TRACKING with detailed spreadsheets. We have just introduced DEVICE DETECTION which allows you to avoid carrier bots that are set up by the carriers to give you fake clicks on links sent in campaign message. Furthermore, you can exclude the recipients representing successful message delivery from your subsequent campaigns to save credits. This feature enables you to know the stats so you are not sending customers repeated texts.


API Integration

API Integration and Webhooks allow you to access core features of the SMSGATEZ Cloud enabling you to add additional functionality to your processes. Most SaaS platforms can easily be integrated within a few minutes. Zapier is an option for applications that do not have simple API Integrations.

We can help with


SMS Marketing

SMS Solutions For Your Business

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SMS Lead Gen

Lead Generation on Steroids

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SMS Chatbots

Support Via Automated SMS

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SMS Surveys

Get Your Customers Feedback With Surveys

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SMS Bulk Messages

Import CSV Lists to Your Account

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SMS Coupons

Customers Prefer Coupons via Text

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SMS News Alerts

Keep Your Customers Up To Date


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SMS Registration

Automaticaly Opt-In Via Text or Webform

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SMS Autoresponse

Conversational Engagement

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SMS Aff Marketing

Marketing Tools for Your Business

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SMS Reminders

Important Reminders For Your Customers

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SMS Recruiting

Find Your Next Candidate VIA SMS


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SMS Campaigns

Web-based solutions for compliancy.

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SMS Advertising

Advertising Via SMS Text Message

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SMS Alerts

Alerts and Notifications to Your Customers

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SMS Notifications

Send Notications to Your Customers

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What Our Clients Say


We integrate with all your favorite SMS Services & API's

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