SMS Gateway Software
Why reinvent the wheel when there's an affordable SMS gateway for effortless customer interaction. We have solutions that can keep you compliant and within your budget.
Why reinvent the wheel when there's an affordable SMS gateway for effortless customer interaction. We have solutions that can keep you compliant and within your budget.
Handling your own wholesale texting route may sound complicated and too technical for the average joe on their own, but with SMSGatez it’s as simple as plug and play to get your message out to your customers. Your competition is already using ‘Business Texting’ because it works. We will point you in the right direction and assist you start to finish. Our development team will have you up and running in less than a week.
Offering a plethora of built in marketing tools so you get your messages to their destination. Plug and Play API Integrations using the most popular routes – Nexmo, Plivo, Signal Wire, Telnyx, SMSGorilla, Sinch and more. Do you have a different route? We can integrate. Are you looking for specific functionality? Tell us what you need and we can discuss adding to your account. We already offer features for Spin Tax for Campaign Message & URL, Auto Responders, Communicators, Scheduled Messages, Drip Campaigns, API/Webhook Integrations, Mobile Device Detection & Redirect Mapping and much more.
Route Integration is a separate cost of 399.99 which has been included in the first subscription month. There is a $199.99 monthly maintenance fee per account.
If your account falls into a failed or non pay status without cancellation the monthly maintenance charges will be deducted from current credit balance (credit conversion equivalent of $199.99 per month). Credits will remain on account for 90 days at which time the account will be considered dormant and the credits will drop off.
*Upon Sign Up for BYOR you will be charged for Route Integration with the first payment. Route Integration generally takes approximately 2 to 4 business days to complete.
We have an easy to navigate Cloud App with loads of bells and whistles. You don’t have to be a developer or programmer to use our products. We handle all the tech for you. You just load and send. We will help you every step of the way from start to finish. Do you need business development? Chat with us – We can help!
You don’t need a hefty development budget or hire a development team. Just ‘Sign Up Now’ and let us worry about integrating your API into your Cloud account. Most routes have a 48 hour or less turnaround time. Our SMS Gateway Software comes with monthly subscriptions to fit your needs.
Our SMS Gateway Software supports the most popular and renowned routes in the industry. Giving you the freedom of choosing the SMS route provider of your choice without the worry of coding and integration development.
It’s a virtual world that allows everyone to be on the go. Our Cloud based App keeps you up to date with Data Analytics. Click Through Rates, Conditional Communicators and API Integration to your favorite CRM gives you flexibility to communicate with your customer.
Integrations have a turnaround time of 48 hours or less depending on the complexity of the route. Our development team will integrate and test send/receipt of messages. You will need an active SMS Gatez BYOR Subscription and funds added to the route being integrated.
No need to invest in third-party development since we include maintenance and account support in your monthly subscription payment. Support Hours Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM EST. If you are having issues off hours please send us an offline message.
When sending high volume of text campaigns, then wholesale routes make sense. Bring Your Own Route or BYOR means that you create an account with an SMS route provider. You will be assigned an API (application programming interface) link which then is integrated into your SMSGatez Cloud account by our development team allowing you to send and receive text messages using our texting platform and resources. Enjoy SMSGatez gateway solutions with our GUI without reinventing the wheel.
Google is a great place to start. There are many routes available. Some of the most popular services that we work with to facilitate bulk SMS campaigns are Signal Wire, Telnyx, Twilio, Nexmo, Gorilla, and Thinq to name a few.
Yes! You can add multiple provider routes to your SMS gateway account. Please note that there is a one-time integration fee of $399.99 per route. Also, each route may take up to 7 days to integrate into SMSGatez Cloud.
No! We have a development team that will integrate each route with the SMS gateway platform at the cost of $399.99. This includes the testing and complete set up to make sure that the account is ready to send and receive messages. We will also troubleshoot the SMS API connection to determine if there are any issues at the provider’s end that may prevent a smooth integration.
No! The monthly subscription will cover the cost of the SMS gateway server, updates, and maintenance of your SMSGatez account along with the support for our SMS server software. Questions regarding delivery and billing with your chosen SMS service provider will be answered via their support.
Our staff works hard to make sure that your SMS gateway integration is functioning correctly and your messages are being delivered. This also covers all updates and upgrades that you may need. Obviously, we are not miracle workers but we are here to help you through the tough stuff. The monthly maintenance fee is valued at $199.99 per month.
If you have cancelled or paused your BYOR account services and have credits remaining, those credits will be valid for a period of 90 days. Monthly maintenance will continue to deduct monthly at a cost of $199.99 per month. This will be converted to the cost per credit and deducted from your account for the 90 day period.