
Derive Prompt Actions via Our

Push Notification Platform

Get Notified Via SMS for One Time Passwords and/or Notifications. Subscription reminders, product development updates, promotions, company news, and more. Worpress order notifications, cart reminders or special discounts related to your wishlist and more. Hassle free and easy to use.

We are also integrated with Zapier, so you have almost 100% integration. Our staff can help you determine how to get the most out of your data with quick response to problems and issues that you may experience. We have helped many customers double or even triple their ROI.

Why Choose Our Push Notification Platform


Conversational Messaging

While we do not recommend blasting campaign messages due to the risk of carrier spam filters, sending out messages notifying customers of upcoming events, sales, specials or discount coupons has great conversion. We encourage you to use a autoresponder with keywords making your messaging conversational. Customers prefer receiving texts over direct mail because it is more personal.


Reminder Reminders

Customers forget and a reminder keeps them on top of subscription renewals, abandoned carts, and sale items. SMSGatez enables you to design multi-layered campaigns with unlimited keywords and unlimited autoresponders. Our ‘Set It and Forget It’ philosophy focuses on automation and can easily schedule drip campaigns using communicators to set various conditions.


Product Developers

Product developers love SMSGatez. Set up your campaign to alert users when there are new features, bug fixes, or product updates to their website or software.


Company News

Sharing company news and insights on current happenings is one of the ways to keep your userbase engaged. SMSGatez enables you to send push messages containing the latest updates about the brand and share links to press releases or newsletters published.


Sales Promotions

Be it Black Friday & Cyber Monday deals, seasonal sales, or other promotions, sending notifications via SMS is the best way to reach out to your customer without spending tons of money. SMSGatez empowers you to create promotional campaigns for diverse target markets using personalized text templates.


Cross Selling, Up Selling Or Exit

Cross-selling, upselling or exit strategies are renowned business tactics to attain growth and scalability.  SMSGatez enables you to cross-sell, upsell or set in an exit strategy with conditional formatting. All this can be done at extremely affordable pricing using either Bring Your Own Route or SIMDroid.

A Push Notification Platform That Is


Deliver time-sensitive messages hassle-free. Send reminders, subscription requests, and promotional  notifications via our feature-packed platform.


Save time and money by designing multi-layered campaigns using compliant features and analytical reporting on SMSGatez Cloud platform.

Budget Worthy

All  you need to maintain compliancy. SMSGatez has an all in one approach to SMS Business Texting at an affordable price.

We can help with


SMS Marketing

SMS Solutions For Your Business

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SMS Lead Gen

Lead Generation on Steroids

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SMS Chatbots

Support Via Automated SMS

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SMS Surveys

Get Your Customers Feedback With Surveys

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SMS Bulk Messages

Import CSV Lists to Your Account

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SMS Coupons

Customers Prefer Coupons via Text

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SMS News Alerts

Keep Your Customers Up To Date


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SMS Registration

Automaticaly Opt-In Via Text or Webform

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SMS Autoresponse

Conversational Engagement

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SMS Aff Marketing

Marketing Tools for Your Business

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SMS Reminders

Important Reminders For Your Customers

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SMS Recruiting

Find Your Next Candidate VIA SMS


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SMS Campaigns

Web-based solutions for compliancy.

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SMS Advertising

Advertising Via SMS Text Message

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SMS Alerts

Alerts and Notifications to Your Customers

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SMS Notifications

Send Notications to Your Customers

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What Our Clients Say


We integrate with all your favorite SMS Services & API's

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