Friday the 13th for the Superstitious. Are you already working from home?

We have helped many businesses become more automated in these unpredictable times. There is fear that the states are once more going to be mandating restrictions on business. Some of the most common comments I have heard are how the Rona Virus can tell time. How can Rona know its 9AM or 9PM, but we restrict the business hours. Enough of the sad and dismal realities that we are feeling daily when we watch or read the news feed.
So let’s talk about how SMS Gatez can help your business.
We are not like any other typical SMS texting service. We want you to succeed so we want to work with you to know your business needs. We walk you through the platform and help set up the system.
Our best value is Simdroid. You need to have your own Android SIM phone with your own subscription from a carrier. After you have activated your phone you are ready to install our small APK and sync your phone to the cloud. From there you will import your data, type a message and send it. Couldn’t be easier. Get your free account now.